For Immediate Release
New Music Seminar is hosting its first ever “New Music Seminar Upfronts” this Thursday, June 7 at 6:00- 7:00pmEST (3:00-4:00pmPST) on Shindig, a new platform for large-scale video chat events. The Shindig, hosted by Tom Silverman will be a free interactive video sneak peak at some of the hottest topics that will be discussed at NMS. Experience the best of the New Music Seminar, face to face with key moderators covering the hottest topics, all from your laptop.
Shindig, created by music business veteran Steve Gottlieb, is a new technology that allows all participants to see each other in a shared space, move freely in and out of conversation with whomever they choose, and address questions to the speaker or entire group.
To RSVP for the Shindig, visit:
The following Players are participating in NMS’ Upfront:
Ron Fair, Ron Fair Music/Frontline Management, speaks on the future of A&R
Jay Frank, Founder/CEO of DigSin, identifies breakthrough trends in the new music business
Tom Jackson, owner of Tom Jackson Productions, ups your live game – Tom can double the impact of an artist’s live show in one hour
Mark Kates, CEO of Fenway Recordings, tells us how booking agents are discovering and nurturing new talent
Artist On The Verge finalist Maren Morris, tells us her story (so far!)
Tom Silverman, CEO of New Music Seminar and Tommy Boy Entertainment, speaks about the NMS mission, and moderates this event
Ralph Simon, CEO of Mobilium Global, speaks about the music subscription business model – are Spotify, Mog, Cricket, Rdio, Rhapsody, Deezer, Simfy etc. the future of music?
YouTube sensation Tyler Ward shows how he’s used YouTube to grow his audience, reach new listeners and tour the world
Jeremy Welt, Head of Marketing for Makers Studio, shows us video innovators, the leaders in the YouTube music explosion
New Music Seminar, June 17-19, is the meeting place of music visionaries, upstarts, and disruptors who are building a new music business together. They will be sharing their vision for the music industry and discussing the “new music business resurrection” over two–and-a-half days of intensive seminars. NMS conference will feature keynotes from Clear Channel CEO Bob Pittman and digital music futurist and Founders Fund Executive General Partner, Sean Parker and the SoundExchange Digital Broadcast Summit, the BMI Creative Conclave.
NMS’ Upfronts is not only a great opportunity to preview what NMS 2012, but also affords the opportunity to participate for those who are unable to attend.
“NMS Upfronts demonstrates once more the Seminar’s focus on the latest trends in music discovery, business and marketing,” said Steven Gottlieb, Shindig Founder.
For more information on NMS or to register, visit:
About the New Music Seminar: June 17-19, 2012, New York City:
From the co-founder and director of the original legendary New Music Seminar comes a conference for the Next Music Business. Rapidly changing music creation, exposure and monetization opportunities coupled with music fans changing music consumption habits are transforming the old “record business” into an entirely new industry. The New Music Seminar, with over 150 confirmed Players, is the meeting place of music visionaries, upstarts, and disruptors and where the old rules are broken and new ideas will hatch into a vital new music business. For more information on this year’s event and the speakers attending go to
About Shindig
Shindig, created by music business veteran Steve Gottlieb, is a revolutionary new way of fan engagement and artist revenue streams. The platform enables album release parties, video premieres, meet and greets, DJ events, tour announcements, acoustic sets and more all powered by a unique video chat technology that allows an artist to interact with fans and fans with one another in a large shared experience. Events can be entirely promotional or fee based, public or private. Shindig has already been used by over 100’s of authors including a score of best sellers to host video chat book tour events before groups of 50-500 readers at a time. For more info contact Patricia@ or go to to stop in a ongoing public event.