Submit an Op-ed Piece

People have asked about publishing Opinion-editorial pieces on the New Music Seminar site. Therefore, we started the “Opinions” section.
This is the place for those seeking a platform to discuss radical points of view that are different from news editorials. Bring it on!

For consideration to have your piece published, see below.

What We’re Looking for:

  • Written Pieces or Video Segments from Musicians and People who like to express themselves.
  • Originality.
  • Expressiveness.
  • Opinions that stir up a conversation – if you have something to say…then say it!
  • Proactive pieces to what’s going on in all sectors of the Music Business.
  • Articles and Videos that we feel musicians and the business will find worthwhile – you want to create a dialogue.
  • Length: Typically 600 to 750 words. 3-5 minute video segments. 


  • We won’t tell you what to produce, but we may suggest a re-write or clarification of something if we find it confusing or it will help strengthen your argument.
  • NMS will select the accompanying artwork.
  • NMS may edit the subject headline.

To improve the likelihood that your submission will be published:

  • Keep it simple and concise – make a single point, and validate it.
  • Provide supporting information, whether with data analysis, research, historical, or personal experience.
  • Write for a general audience, avoid ‘insider-speak’. Don’t assume the audience will not always know every acronym or internal-office language.
  • Write in your own voice. You don’t need to be a Pulitzer prize writer. Your personality is what helps your point sound better.


  • Submit your idea for consideration here.
  • In the form, you can present 1-3 ideas. A very short description (1-2 sentences) will suffice.
  • We will review internally and if one is chosen, we will contact you.
  • You will have 2 weeks to complete the piece.
  • Depending on our publishing calendar your piece will be published within 1-3 weeks.

Waiver / Disclosure

  • If accepted, you will be asked to sign a waiver which gives us the right to publish and laying out some of your responsibilities.
  • You must disclose anything that might be seen as a conflict of interest, financial or otherwise. e.g., Are you invested in a company you’re writing about? Can you benefit from a company or person that you are writing about? We simply need to disclose that relationship to the readers.

No article is guaranteed publication / What we will not publish

  • Advertorials that promote your company or service.
  • Inflammatory articles.
  • Plagiarized articles or articles you have previously published. The content you write should be exclusive to New Music Seminar.
  • We are not looking for “5 Ways You Can Gain More Fans” or “3 Tips to Improve Your Songwriting” type of pieces. Though If you have an opinion about how artists utilize services and can benefit from a different mindset – we will consider that.

Disagree with an Opinion piece?

  • Go ahead and post article’s comment section to continue the discussion.
  • If you’d like to publish your own rebuttal you can write a Letter to the Editor.


  • The views and opinions expressed in the Opinions articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of New Music Seminar, and/or its owners, staff, partners, or sponsors.

View all Opinion pieces here.